Key Difference between layoff and Retrenchment
The key difference between layoff and retrenchment is that a layoff is a temporary occurrence where employees can potentially be rehired, while retrenchment is a permanent end to employment.
Employers are permitted to terminate employees for three main reasons:
- When the organization is in financial difficulties
- When a hiring decision is taken incorrectly
- When an employee’s misconduct negatively impacts the overall workplace
Various methods, such as layoffs, voluntary retirement schemes (VRS), retrenchment, and discharges, are employed for involuntary separations. Numerous individuals have an incorrect assumption that layoffs and retrenchments are identical, but this is not correct. To gain further insight into the distinctions between these two, refer to the article.
The definition of layoff
Laying off an individual entails either temporarily or permanently terminating their employment. This action is usually taken by a company or organization when their business slows down, leading to a lack of work for an employee who is still employed.
It involves suspending or ending the employment contract (decided by management or the employer, with or without prior notice). During a company layoff, an employee’s benefits, such as their salary or remuneration, come to an end. Workers who are terminated from their jobs are provided with compensation known as lay-off pay. Once the layoff was reversed, all of the previously sacked employees are expected to be rehired in their former roles.
Layoff refers to the act of reducing a company’s workforce and expenses, potentially caused by several factors such as
- Scarcity of raw materials
- Economic downturn
- Machinery issues
- Excess of stock.
Meaning of Retrenchment
When a company decides to implement retrenchment, it aims to eliminate or decrease any non-essential expenses. This is usually achieved by reducing the range of products or services offered and often by scaling down the business operations through office closures or the shutdown of a facility due to inadequate demand for a product manufactured in the facility.Retrenchment refers to the act of laying off a group of employees by sending them home and ceasing their employment.
The main distinctions between layoffs and retrenchments.
- Lay off refers to a temporary termination of an employee initiated by the employer. Retrenchment refers to the involuntary termination of an employee as a result of work being taken over by machines or the discontinuation of a department.
- The layoffs refer to a specific measure taken by a company, while retrenchment is a broader business approach aimed at reducing expenses.
- The definition of a layoff can be found in section 2 (kkk) and retrenchment is described in section 2 (oo) of the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947.
- Layoff is temporary while retrenchment is permanent.
- After lay off period, employees are reappointed to their previous posts. Whereas in Retrenchment is permanent in nature
As a result, it is clear that redundancy and retrenchment are in fact two different ways to terminate an employee. In both cases, the employees will be paid compensatory sums according to the method provided for in the Act.
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