The Draft Amendment To The Uttar Pradesh Dookan Aur Vanijya Adhishthan Niyamawali, 1963
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The Draft Amendment To The Uttar Pradesh Dookan Aur Vanijya Adhishthan Niyamawali, 1963
The Government of Uttar Pradesh vide Notification No. 1089/XXXVI-03-2022-14(Sa.)/2019, proposed the draft Uttar Pradesh Dookan Aur Vanijya Adhishthan (Navam Sanshodhan) Niyamawali, 2022, amending the provisions on the procedure registration and renewal of license. The amendments are still in draft, and the government has invited objections and suggestions till the expiry of three days from the date of publication of the draft rules. Please refer to the draft rules for more information