The Gujarat Panchayats, Municipal Corporations And State Tax On Professions, Traders, Callings And Employments Act, 1976/ The Gujarat State Tax On Professions, Traders, Callings And Employments Rules, 1976

The Gujarat Panchayats, Municipal Corporations And State Tax On Professions, Traders, Callings And Employments Act, 1976/ The Gujarat State Tax On Professions, Traders, Callings And Employments Rules, 1976


Professional Tax Rates


Monthly Income Monthly Professional Tax Amount
For salary up to ₹ 12000 Nil
Above ₹ 25001 ₹ 200



Returns/Payments Due Date


Activity Last Date Of Filing Returns Mode Form
Monthly Return On or before 15th of every month Online 5
Annual Return On or before 20th Dec of every year Online 5A


Other Information 


Nodal Agency Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Village Panchayat/Taluka Panchayat / District Panchayat
Registration Process Online and Offline
Registration Timeline Within 30 days of becoming liable to pay tax
Professional Payment Online and Offline
Professional Tax Return Online and Offline
Website Different Corporation/Municipality have different website
Applicability This tax is levied on a salaried person ,employer of business and self employed
Deduction of Tax Every Month
Deposition of Tax On of before 15th of every month
Interest for delay in Tax payment One & half percent of tax amount for every defaulter month
Penalty for delay in Tax payment Not exceeding 50% of the amount of tax due
Penalty for delay in Registration/Enrollment Not exceeding Rs. 20/-for each day of delay in case of an employer and not exceeding Rs.10/- for each day of delay in the case of others
Penalty for giving false information in Registration/Enrollment Not exceeding Rs. 1000/-
Penalty for delay in Returns Rs.10/- for each day of delay
Appeal against recovery of dues After payment of Dues, Penalty and Interest imposed
Offences & Penalties in failure of provisions of Act Punished with fine not exceeding five thousand rupees and when the offence is a continuing one, with fine not exceeding fifty rupees per day during the period of the continuance of the offence


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