Update Minimum Wages-Assam-June’23

Update Minimum Wages-Assam-June’23

Update Minimum Wages-Assam-June’23


Assam Govt. revised minimum wages under various schedule employments effective from 01st June’23 by publishing notification bearing number E238621/409 dated 24th Nov’23. For detailed information, please download Updated Minimum Wages- Assam


Categories of employees/Workers Wages Per Day Wages Per Month VDA Per Month Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled Workers 240 7200 2600.50 326.68 9800.50
Semi Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 280 8400 2991.10 379.70 11391.10
Skilled/Clerical Workers 350 10500 3739.35 474.65 14239.35
Highly Skilled Workers 450 13500 4807.05 610.24 18307.05



For detailed information , download notification.


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