Updated Minimum Wages-Mizoram

Updated Minimum Wages-Mizoram


Updated Minimum Wages- Mizoram


State government revised minimum wages-Mizoram from 01st Apr’23 for different categories of employees employed in the scheduled employments through notification having number- B.14015/4/2010-LESDE/417 dated 16.06.23.


Effective Date- 01st Apr’23
Scheduled Employment Category of Workers Wages Per Day
Casual/Muster Roll Employees Unskilled 420
Casual/Muster Roll Employees Semi-Skilled 460
Casual/Muster Roll Employees Skilled Grade-II 570
Casual/Muster Roll Employees Skilled Grade-I 730


For more information, please download the updated minimum wages-Mizoram notification.


Our team experts closely monitor changes in minimum wages and acts/rules and try to provide our users proper information absolutely at free of cost. All information at website is for reference only , any reliance is strictly at your risk. For any feedback , feel free to write at – info@praansconsultech.com